


2013年11月27日 星期三
























2013年11月24日 星期日



瞧~用 SM30 去維護 V_130F ...



提示在此 --> 努力學習-如何使用查詢來配置設定

從 Evernote 傳送記事

2013年11月21日 星期四


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2013年11月19日 星期二


Setting up simple Release Procedure for Purchase Requisitions

Release Procedures (approval) can be used for Purchase Requisitions (PR), Purchase Orders (PO), RFQ's, Outline Agreements and Service Entry Sheets. The principle is exactly the same for all. If you can master one, you will know them all.

Lets set up release procedures for PR for the following example:

Our company have got 2 plants: Plant 3100 (London) and plant 3600 (New York).
  • For New York (plant 3100), if PR item value is between 0 - 1000 dollars, then PR needs to be released by one person (person B) 
  • For New York (plant 3100), if PR item value is bigger than 1000 dollars, then PR needs to be released by two people (first by person B, then person C) 
  • For London (plant 3600), if PR item value is bigger than 1000 dollars, then PR needs to be released by two people (first by person A, then person C).

Key terminology:
  • Release Codes - The different levels that the approval will go through. 
  • Release Groups - Grouping of strategies. 
  • Release Strategy - Unique, set of condition, sequence and levels of releases. Every line in diagram is a Strategy (so we have 3). 
  • Release Indicator / Status - The status of PR as it moves through the strategy. Example 'Block' (can't create PO yet) or 'Final Release' (can create PO from PR)
Here is a summary of the steps to follow to set up our example:
  • Create Characteristics & link to comm. structre (CEBAN for PR) 
  • Create Class & link to characteristic 
  • Create Release Groups & link to class 
  • Create Release Codes 
  • Release Indicator 
  • Set up strategies 
    - Strategies & Codes 
    - Prerequeirements 
    - Status 
    - Assign values for strategies 
  • Set overall / item for doc type (PR only) 
  • Create and allocate autorisation profiles
--------------- DETAILS OF SETTING IT UP ---------------

Create Characteristics & link to communication structure (CEBAN for PR)

Here we define which fields are used to determine the strategy that will kick in. In our case we used 'Plant' and 'Item value'. Not all fields in the PR can be used. For a full list of fields that can be used to determine the release startegy, see tcode se12 table CEBAN.

So the two fields that will be used is:

Field CEBAN-WERKS for Plant
Field CEBAN-GSWRT for Item Value

We need to create a characteristic for every field. tcode ct04
Any characteristic name can be used. Keep something descriptive to avoid confusion.

For Item Value -- lets create characteristic Z_GSWRT

First go to Additional Data tab and enter the table/field (and Enter)

Enter currency to be used in the Basic data tab.
Also select multiple values and Intervals allowed

The Intervals allowed will allow us to assign a range of values, example: If PR value is 0 - 1000 USD .....

Save the characteristic

For Plant -- characteristic Z_WERKS
Again, the table/field name in Additional Data to enter table/field

Again set multiple values and save the characteristic
The multiple values is to assign more than one plant to strategy, example: If PR for plant 3100 and plant 3600 is ...

Create Class & link to characteristic

Create a class (simply to group the characteristics). Again any name can be used. Tcode CL01 -- Create Class. The Class Type must be 032.

Configure Release Procedures

Above actions was all master data. We now need to do some configuration. Menu: IMG > Materials Management > Purchasing > Purchase Requisition > Release Procedure > Procedure with classification > Set up procedure -- (tcode OMGQ in older SAP versions)

Create Release Groups & link to class

We have two groups to create AA and AB. We need to indicate the class we are working with, in out case Z_PR.

Create Release Codes

Create all the release code / group combinations. This is all the dots in diagram above. So we have 4.

Later on, authorisation profiles will be linked to these code / group combinations.

Release Indicator

First we create the different statusses that the PR can be in throughout it lifecycle. Later on (below), we will be linking using these statusses. Here is the standard SAP indicators, wou probably wouldn't need to add any.

We will be using two of these -- X (Block) and 2 (Released)

Under the Details section, you can indicate which documents can be created from this PR. For Indicator 2, one can create PO's and RFQ's.

With Field Selection you can define which fields can be changed. This is the same indicator that gets used with document type configuration to make some fields read only, mandatory, hidden.

Set up strategies - Strategy & Codes

Every line in our diagram above is a strategy. So We have three
Lets call them:
Group AA / Startegy S1 -- Code L1 (for plant 0001)
Group AA / Startegy S2 -- Code L1 & L2 (for plant 0001)
Group AA / Startegy S2 -- Code L1 & L2 (for plant 0002)

Here are the settings for AA / S2

Set up strategies - Prerequisites

For every strategy, we need to define a release prerequisites. This indicate if one code need to take place before the other. In this case, level 2 (L2) can only take place if level 1 (L1) has been released.

Set up strategies - Status

This is also done for every strategy. The screen is dependant on what groups were linked to the strategy as well as prerequisites that was set up. In this example:

- if nobody release it then PR is block.
- if L1 release the PR, the PR is still blocked
- if L1 and L2 release the PR, the PR can be converted to RFQ/PO

Out of interest, the reason why there is not a L2 only option is because of the setting in the prerequisites.

Set up strategies - Values for strategies

The values linked to strategies are master data (not configuration) and can be set in two places. Either within the configuration itself -- selecting the classification button

Or, in classification, example CL24N

Both methods work, the advantage of CL24N is that all the strategies can be viewed easier.

Set overall / item for doc type (PR only)

For Puchase Requisitions, there is an option to release either on item level or on document level. For PO / RFQ / Contracts, one can only release on header level. Back to the PR, it is highly recommended to use item release. This can be done in two places.

Firstly where the groups were created

On the document type configuration for PR
Config menu: Materials Management > Purchasing > PR > Define document types

Create and allocate authorisation profiles

In our example we will have three people releasing, so three profiles will need to be created. Authorisation profiles can be created using tcode PFCG.

Usage of PFCG are not being discussed here, but see below for relevant screen where the profile was created.

--------------- USING RELEASE PROCEDURES ---------------

Create a Purchase Requisition

Lets create a PR, and see if the release procedure kicks in. In our case we will create it for plant 3600 and any value. So we will expect Strategy AB / S2 to kick in.

Create PR -- me51n

If no 'Release strategy' tab, then it didn't work. In this case all is fine. The user can see the Release Group (AB), Strategy (S2) and release indicator (X).


Release a Purchase Requisition

Releasing can be done per PR or collective. Lets' use the collective release. SAP Menu: Logistics > Material Management > Purchasing > Purchasing Requisition > Release > Collective Release -- ME55

Select all the items to be released and then hit Save. You will see the status of the item change to the next Release Indicator.

This is the absolute basics of setting up Release Procedures for Purchase Requisitions. For more posts on Release Procedures, see index of posts.

SAP version used for this post: SAP ECC (ERP Central Component) 5.0

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can be used for maintaining the vendor details at the company code level & for general data.
can be used for maintaining the vendor details at the purchasing org level & for general data.
can be used for maintaining the vendor details at the company code , purchasing org level and general data.

Using XK01 transaction you can create different vendors for each pruchase organization of that company individual.
where as in FK01 you can create vendor for the whole company together.
MK01 transaction creates a new vendor record without payment details. 
XK01 = FK01 + MK01

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MM01 - 创建物料主数据
XK01 - 创建供应商主数据
ME11 - 创建采购信息记录
ME01 - 维护货源清单
ME51N- 创建采购申请
ME5A - 显示采购申请清单
ME55 - 批准采购申请(批准组:YH)
ME57 – 分配并处理采购申请
MB21 - 预留
MB24 - 显示预留清单
ME21N- 创建采购订单
ME28 - 批准采购订单(批准组:YS)
ME9F - 采购订单发送确认
ME2L - 查询供应商的采购凭证
ME31 - 创建采购协议
MD03 - 手动MRP
MD04 - 库存需求清单(MD05 - MRP清单)
MRKO - 寄售结算
MELB - 采购申请列表(需求跟踪号)
ME41 - 创建询价单
ME47 - 维护报价
ME49 - 价格比较清单
MI31 - 建立库存盘点凭证
MI21 - 打印盘点凭证
MI22 - 显示实际盘点凭证内容
MI24 - 显示实际盘点凭证清单
MI03 - 显示实际盘点清单
MI04 - 根据盘点凭证输入库存计数
MI20 - 库存差异清单
MI07 - 库存差额总览记帐
MI02 - 更改盘点凭证
MB03 - 显示物料凭证
ME2O - 查询供应商货源库存
MB03 - 显示物料凭证
MMBE - 库存总览
MB5L - 查询库存价值余额清单
MCBR - 库存批次分析
MB5B - 查询每一天的库存
MB58 - 查询客户代保管库存
MB25 - 查询预留和发货情况MB51
MB5S - 查询采购订单的收货和发票差异
MB51 - 物料凭证查询(可以按移动类型查询)
ME2L - 确认采购单/转储单正确
MCSJ - 信息结构S911 采购信息查询(采购数量/价值、收货数量/价值、发票数量/价值)
MCBA - 核对库存数量,金额
MM04 - 显示物料改变
MMSC - 集中创建库存地点
MB1C - 其它收货
MB1A - 输入发货
MB1B - 转储
MB31 - 生产收货
MB01 - 采购收货)
MBST - 取消物料凭证
MM60 - 商品清单
ME31L- 创建计划协议
ME38 - 维护交货计划
ME9A - 消息输出
MB04 - 分包合同事后调整
MB52 - 显示现有的仓库物料库存
MB90 - 来自货物移动的输出
CO03 - 显示生产订单
IW13 - 物料反查订单(清单)
IW33 - 显示维修订单
VA01 -创建销售订单
VL01N - 参照销售订单创建外向交货单
VL02N – 修改外向交货单(拣配、发货过帐)
VL09 – 冲销销售的货物移动
VF01 – 出具销售发票
VF04 – 处理出具发票到期清单
VF11 – 取消出具销售发票
101 : 一步收货
103+105 : 两步收货
MVT for MB1A
201 : 发料到成本中心
241 : 从仓库发货到资产(在建工程)
261 : 发货到内部订单
551 : 为报废提取
555 : 自冻结库报废
601 : 销售发货
653 : 销售退货
Z41 : 维修工单发货
MVT for MB1B
344 : 欲报废物资先移库到冻结库存
411K: 从代销到本公司的转帐
541 : 从非限制库存到分包商库存的转储记帐(委托加工)
555 : 自冻结库报废
MTV for MI07(盘点记帐)
701 : 实际盘点-盘盈
702 : 实际盘点-盘亏
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SAP GUI java 的登入配置


1. conn=/H/(Your_SAP_Server_Local_IP)/S/3200
2. conn=/H/(SAProuter_Public_IP)/S/3299/H/(SAP_Server_Local_IP)/S/3200
3. conn=/H/(SAProuter_Public_IP)/S/3299/W/(SAProuter_String)/H/(SAP_Server_Local_IP)/S/3200

因為SAP GUI的JAVA版本,是包裝成JAR檔。
java -jar PlatinGUI-Linux-700.jar

~/SAPClients/SAPGUI7.00/bin$ ./guilogon
to create servers, touch at new and go to "advanced".
-- tip "use expert configuration"
For server with system number 01:

若是想要直接以command line登入SAP...
For server with system number 01:
~/SAPClients/SAPGUI7.00/bin$ ./sapgui /H/

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SAP GUI 操作的熱鍵

第一個擷圖裡的動作,確定是在SAP GUI能運用得上。

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SAP SD Tables

SAP SD Tables


KNA1 - Customer master: General
KNVV - Customer master: Sales areas
KNB1 - Customer master: Accounting

KNVK - Contact persons
KNVA - Unloading point
KNVI - Tax indicators
KNVP - Partner functions
KNVD - Documents
KNVL - Licenses
KNVS - Customer master: Shipping
KNVH - Customer Master: Hierarchies


MARA - Material Master: General
MARC - Material Master: Plant <Plant>
MAKT - Material Master: Short description
MARM - Material Master: Conversion factors
MVKE - Material Master: Sales <Sales Org, Distr Ch>
MLAN - Material Master: Sales <Country>
MAEX - Material Master: Export Licenses
MBEW - Material Master: Valuation
MLGN - Material Master: WM Inventory
MLGT - Material Master: WM Inventory type
MVER - Material Master: Consumption <Plant>
DVER - Material Master: Consumption <MRP Area>
MAPR - Material Master: Forecast
MARD - Material Master: Storage Location
MCH1 - Material Master: X Plant Batches
MCHA - Material Master: Batches
MCHB - Material Master: Batch Stock

MARCH - Material Master C Segment: History
MARDH - Material Master Storage Location Segment: History
MBEWH - Material Valuation: History
MCHBH - Batch Stocks: History
MKOLH - Special Stocks from Vendor: History
MSCAH - Sales Order Stock at Vendor: History
MSKAH - Sales Order Stock: History
MSKUH - Special Stocks at Customer: History
MSLBH - Special Stocks at Vendor: History
MSPRH - Project Stock: History
MSSAH - Total Sales Order Stocks: History
MSSQH - Total Project Stocks: History

Customer Material Information

KNMTK - Customer Material Information: Header
KNMT - Customer Material Information: Item

Bill of Materials (BOM)

MAST - Material
EQST - Equipment
KDST - Sales Order
DOST - Document
STST - Standard Object
TPST - Functional location
STKO - BOM: Header
STZU - STL data
STAS - BOM: Item selection
STOP - BOM: Item data
STPU - BOM: Sub items

Sales Document

VBAK - Sales document - HEADER
VBAP - Sales document - ITEM
VBEP - Sales document - SCHEDULE LINE

VBUK - Header Status / Admin data
VBUP - Item status
VBUV - Incompletion log
VBPA - Partner functions
VBBE - Individual requirement
VEBA - Contract
VBLB - Forecast
VBFA - Document flow
VBKD - Sales document: Business data
VAKPA - Partner index
VEDA - Contract
VBKA - Sales Activity document

SADR - Address
NAST - Output
JSTO - PP Status
STXH - Text: header
STXL - Text: Lines
KONV - Conditions


LIKP - Delivery - HEADER
LIPS - Delivery - ITEM


VTTK - Shipment - HEADER
VTTP - Shipment - Deliveries on Shipment
VTTS - Stage

Direct Store Delivery - DSD

/DSD/SL_SLD_FLOW - Settlement: Document Flow (link Shipment -> Settlement doc)
/DSD/SL_SLD_HEAD - Settlement Document Header
/DSD/SL_SLD_ITEM - Settlement Document item
/DSD/ME_DDR_STAT - Settlement Connector tables (used by SAP MDSD3)


VBRK - Billing - HEADER
VBRP- Billing - ITEM


AGR_USERS - Assignment of roles to users
CDHDR & CDPOS - Change history of master data and documents
TSTC - SAP Transaction Codes, maintained via transaction sm01
NAST - Message status 
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VD01 是 銷售層面的維護, FD01 是 會計層面的維護, XD01 是 全局的維護,

XD01 = VD01 + FD01
